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251 selected photographs from a series on advertising posters that I documented in Berlin, Munich and Meran in May 2013. Summer fashion items and bikinis were on presentation, some of which had cost €4.95. They were showcased, Vogue style, with superstar singer Beyoncé. Here we are lead up the garden path. smooth—body shape—dream beach—dream girl—chocolate—star style, I set these six allusory terms in between the photographs. What we see is actually just a few square meters of sand, lots of skin and hair, a face heavily made up, and some bits of textile—the stuff our dreams are made of, materialized in dumping-price merchandise. 251 pictures plus six terms in fast-motion add up to 15 seconds, simply a hype for the moment which will be followed by another one tomorrow. For the sound track to the “Beyoncé 4,95“ video, I listen in to the abundance of life: women laughing out of themselves just for the fun of it, young swallows being fed and chittering excitedly, the racket of a humming bee. I sharpen my senses and go my circles of thought.